About Us

Location and premisses of the college:-

The S.V.College of Law is located in main stream of various higher learning Educational Institutions such as S.V. University, Padmavathi Mahila University, Agricultural University and Universities of health sciences Professional colleges, and numerous Degree colleges having vide facilities for study and research. The main campus of this college is in the heart of the temple city at Thanapalli cross, Tiruchanoor Road, Tirupathi of Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh having transport connections of Air, Train and Road connecting this town with all parts of the country.

Assets and goodwill of the college :-

The S.V.College of Law is having a structure of huge buildings with comfortable accommodation big class room with good sitting arrangements, staff and office rooms with ever latest furniture, spacious library and reading room, sports room, boys and girls waiting rooms and other hygiene facilities of clean and green in a beautiful open surrounding environment.